Sunday, April 30, 2006

Oh yeah, Endgame

Forgot to tell you about our trip to see Endgame. It was as bleak and depressing as can be expected from a Beckett play. And, generally, I loved it. Peter Dinklage was a bit stilted in his delivery, which was terribly disappointing, but not enough to kill the overall vibe. The old crank, Hamm, was horrible and hateful but somehow sympathetic, telling stories to convince himself of the good he's done in his clearly nearly over life. He keeps his ancient parents in garbage cans and the actor playing Nell, his mum, was charming and elegant and wistful. Then she dies. The world is ending (has ended?) and we are all pathetic. Good stuff.

One suggestion: Never eat lunch at the Barbican Theatre cafe. It was unpleasant and not cheap and made Jason very sick the next day. But ethiopian dinner up near King's Cross was delicious.

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