Monday, February 13, 2006

Thanks, Belatedly

So, I had written this post in November and then left it in draft form because I wanted to scan in Susannah's paintings, which I have since done and posted. I just realized it was still sitting here and y'all deserve the thanks, so I'm posting it now.

It's good that I stumbled on it because I'm in a miserable mood with a sore throat and cough that won't go away and I cried while washing dishes tonight because I so wanted to be back in Seattle. I couldn't really explain why, except that life as I know it seems irreversibly changed now and after this whole year of school and focus I'll come back to Seattle and try to get a serious career-type job. As I sobbed to Joshua with my hands hovering in the dishwater "I won't be able to just sit around watching That 70's Show and going to my part-time job without a future and not really worrying about things." Now, most of you know that my life was never really all about my (meaningful) part-time job and watching (excellent) sitcoms--I've always had too much going on and taken it all very seriously. But today somehow grad school and jobs and such just all seemed too important and burdensome and I needed a break. So I had some lemon curd on toast and felt somewhat better. And now to get rid of the nasty cold--I'm pretty sure its really all that's wrong with me anyway. So, whatever, here's the Thanksgiving post:

Last week we had over a collection of international people for Thanksgiving dinner. Jason had never or briefly met most of them, but gave a rousing tale of what Thanksgiving means--you can probably imagine. Something about how we celebrate giving the Native Americans smallpox and taking their land, after calling a friendly dinner to butter them up. Something like that. Our guests ate it up. The food and J's Thanksgiving lesson. And the turkey turned out beautifully in spite of the tiny oven with a heating element only at the top and the roasting pan that wouldn't fit and the resulting lopsided rack on the smaller pan. I also made everyone go around the table and say what they were thankful for. They were very willing players. And then we talked about Johnny Cash and White Stripes and listened to June Carter Cash's song about Quentin Tarantino. S. from Portugal brought orange flavored rice pudding for dessert.

Also, I will take this opportunity to thank those of you at home who have sent things to us here in far-off Wales. Ms. Susannah sent a book of watercolors of our wedding-like party at Rainier. They are all so beautiful and I cried with missing you all and thinking how wonderful our friends are. (see these in previous entry--cause I'm all out of order!) She also sent a pair of fantasy books that allowed me to forget facts and figures and sleep peacefully during much of the semester. And a picture of her darling baby boy.

And John Galt sent us a CD of Awesome's Delaware show and F. and G. sent chutney and travel books for Thanksgiving (and many of our books and winter clothing and things before that, with help from Some Guy). Mom and Dad sent a subscription to National Geographic. Amazon sent me some books I ordered. And from others, e-mail and blog comments and general support.

So, thanks to you all. I miss you. (Except Amazon, who's as close as she ever was.)

1 comment:

Tricia said...

Excellent. I'll add that. I haven't seen it.

Don't know what's up with those people trying to get me to their blogs. It's something about Google--if you get more links from blogs, you show up higher on Google searches. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to figure out how to erase them.

I'll email you my film list, or maybe I'll just make it an entry. I'm not sure all my descriptions are accurate, as I haven't seen all of them yet. But they're close.