Saturday, January 21, 2006

Ladies and Gentlemen, Our Talented Friends

So, when Jason and I had our party at Mt. Rainier last June to celebrate having gotten married, dear friends and family came from all 'round to spend the weekend. Our friends are talented beyond all fairness and many performed songs and stories. Others made cakes and pies and took photos and recorded things and were generally and variously wonderful. One surprise bit of talented contribution came later, in the mail, here to us in Wales. Ms. Susannah Anderson had been sketching during the festivities and later sent us a gold-leafed book of paintings of the weekend. Here are the pages of that book, because they're too beautiful not to share. (please note: I took photos of these and then cropped them down in photoshop and adjusted colors to match as close as possible to the paintings. Obviously they are not perfect and you'll have to see the real thing sometime because they are amazing!) If you click on them, you can see larger versions.

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