Monday, November 06, 2006


I bet you were sitting around wondering what it was that Appalachia and Jason were doing last Saturday. Well, we were going to go to Tintern Abbey, but it was freezing and we were both trying to recover from colds, so we walked around Cardiff instead. You can come with us through the magic of photography!

First we walked down the alley, noticing the moss on the walls

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To the Bakery in the alley

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Then we walked through an underpass

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and on to the park, where we saw strange and beautiful purple berries and a lemon tree, growing fruit outside in the Welsh climate.

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We'd never bothered to go into the park's conservatory, but always meant to, so we decided to go in there.

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It had a big central pond with carp and turtles, and a teenage duckling of some unusual variety in a nest on the ledge above.

From there, we walked home. These are some of the random things we saw:

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